The wood processing industry generates not only chips and sawdust, but also fine particles. High levels of fine dust are carcinogenic to humans. NEU-JKF Wood Industry is well aware of this risk. Wood dust is combustible and can cause an explosion or fire. This is why it is important to control and manage such contaminants efficiently and to minimise the risk of fire. NEU-JKF Wood Industry knows how to do this very well.
Work exposing the operator to wood dust is listed as a carcinogenic process (modified order of 5 January 1993). Special preventive measures and reinforced individual health monitoring are applicable to workers exposed to wood dust (articles R. 4412-59 to R. 4412-93 of the Labour Code). All companies, regardless of their size, are required to take the necessary measures to protect their operatives. Equipping your workshops with a NEU-JKF Wood Industry extraction system means protecting the health of your staff, while improving the quality of your production and the lifetime of your equipment. It means offering your employees undeniable working comfort.
| Sawdust and chip extraction on manufacturing equipment
- High efficiency fans
- Less electrical power
- Automatic cleaning of filter media
- Low maintenance
- Easy replacement of filter media
| Wood dust extraction on portable tools
- Definition of air flow rates and network sizes
- Balancing of networks to suit the number of operators at the same time
| Cleaning of workshops by centralised suction
- Hygiene and cleanliness of premises
- Reduction of fire and explosion risks
- Declassifying of some ATEX areas
- Reduction of energy consumption